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Product Details

  • Price: 1 Box
  • Box: 12 Bottles
  • Size: 1000 ml Bottle
  • Bottle: Plastic
  • Weight Box:  kg
Sold: 44 / 57
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Alkaline Water information

DUSHI ALKALINE WATER PH9+ is not ionized water. DUSHI ALKALINE WATER PH9+ is one of the only 9+pH mineral drinking waters currently on the market that does not use an electrical process (i.e. electrolysis) to produce high alkaline water. Many mineral drinking waters on the market use electrolysis to raise the pH level of the water. (Some even use chemical additives to raise the pH.) Electrolysis refers to the breakdown of a substance by passing an electric current through it. The method by which bottled water production companies raise the pH of their water involves electrically charging the water in order to induce ionic separation. This, however, creates a high pH that is very unstable, because once the electrical charge is removed, the pH of the water goes back to what it was before the charge was introduced. To explain it another way: the ionization of water is the separation of the H2O molecules into hydrogen ions (H+) and hydroxide ions (OH–) using an electric device. Once the electric current is removed, the hydrogen ions and hydroxide ions recombine again to form H2O. Also; for electrolysis to even be possible, water needs to have a conductor, and H2O by itself doesn’t conduct electricity. One needs plenty of ionic minerals to conduct the electric current; and since there is no or very low ionic mineral content in tap water or typical bottled water, the electrolysis will have very limited effect. That being said, tap water and a majority of bottled waters consist mostly of hard minerals – i.e. mineral compounds – and some of these mineral compounds conduct electricity (ionize in water) and some don’t. Weak mineral compounds, for example; like sodium chloride (NaCl), will ionize in water when connected to an electric device. On the flip side, strong mineral compounds, such as, Calcium Chloride (CaCl2) will not ionize in water. Therefore; for drinking water to remain at a high pH, ionic minerals need to be infused into the water. That’s where DUSHI ALKALINE WATER PH9+ steps in. DUSHI ALKALINE WATER PH9+ does not use an electrical charge in producing high pH water. It maintains a high stable pH, because ionic minerals, such as, Ca++, Mg++, K+, & Na+, are infused into the water through a proprietary process, therefore, raising the pH of DUSHI ALKALINE WATER PH9+ to between 9 and 10.

DUSHI ALKALINE WATER PH9+ is micro-clustered water. The water molecule is made up of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom to form the well-known H2O molecule. However, water comes in clusters of H2O molecules, not in single H2O molecules. Tap water, for example, contains very large clusters of H2O molecules– as large as 140 Herz. As a result, tap water has a very difficult time permeating our body’s cell membranes, and therefore, cannot hydrate our cells efficiently. On the other hand, DUSHI ALKALINE WATER PH9+, which is micro-clustered water, is water that comes in much smaller clusters – as small as 56 Herz – which is about 3 times smaller than tap water. Since there is a lot of pollution, especially in the big cities, people are looking for ways through which they can drink their water without the fear of infections, cancers, or even water-borne diseases.

DUSHI ALKALINE WATER PH9+ is made by transforming any kind of water into micro-clustered, purified, mineral drinking water. We first purify the water using our custom-designed 7-stage & 11-stage filtration processes. Second, we infuse our proprietary formulated ionic minerals into the purified water, which in-turn, raises the pH of the water to between 9 and 10. Since pH means potential hydrogen, the pH unit value is the concentration of hydrogen ions in the water. At a pH of 7, water has an equal number of hydrogen ions (H+) and hydroxyl ions (OH-). At a pH of 8, water has a tenfold greater concentration of OH- ions than it does H+ ions, and a hundredfold greater concentration at pH of 9, so on and so forth. As one can observe, each pH unit value represents a tenfold difference between the hydrogen ion (H+) concentration and hydroxyl ion (OH-) concentration in the water. The smaller concentration of H+ in our DUSHI ALKALINE WATER PH9+ drinking water signifies a higher pH, and therefore, a smaller H2O cluster size, which means adequate hydration. The reason why we can reduce the cluster size of DUSHI ALKALINE WATER PH9+ is because of the infusion of our ionic minerals, which is a key part of our proprietary process.

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